Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hello All,

Below you will find photos from Haiti and a link (x) for BBC News which when clicked will show helicopter video footage of the situation in the city of Gonaives.

As for our family there, Pastor Robert has travelled to Port Au Prince to try to purchase food to bring back to Gonaives to distribute because there is little to no place to purchase food there. Pastor Joseph Garcon's home and all possessions were destroyed in the flood. In spite of the hardship, the faith of our brothers and sisters is strong. Here are a few testamonials

Yesterday, I talked with Joseph who informed me that his feet were still painful and swollen and that he now has a fever yet he said "today is a good day because I eat rice, no chicken (his favorite), but rice and I drink water and juice. I share my money with Killick and everyone here so we can eat because we are one." I talked with Killick who said thank you to everyone here in the US.

Today I talked with Archange and Joseph. Archange is helping to find shelter for Joseph. In talking about the flood, Archange said "the first thing I grabbed was my Bible, my dictionary and my children's birth certificates. I grab the Bible because whatever the situation, it will take God's word." When asked about his motorcycle, he said "My motorcycle is not working because of the water. I hope when it dries, it will work but if not, the same way God helped me get it, God will open a new door for me to get a new one. What is important is we have our life." He also said he was at his mother's home helping her today.

Archange also reported that when he went to see Joseph, he saw little Shina. Shina is an orphan, 4 years old, who stole the hearts of the missionaries when we were in Gonaives in June of this year. Archange reports that her caregiver lost her home and all possessions.

Pastor Anthony Hickman of Florida called today to say that he and Pastor Ray of Albama
are working on generating support for the relief efforts.

Plans are still underway to travel to Haiti as soon as the hotel there is able to take guests.

Cuba Update: The hurricane hit Cuba directly. There have been four deaths reported. It is targeting Havana which is where our mission efforts take place.

This is prayer week at Revival Center Ministries. Prayer started yesterday and the people really sent up heartfelt prayers for Haiti, Cuba and all areas affected by the storms as well as our missionary friends in Mitu, Columbia who are engaged in warfare against persecution for their Christian efforts. We have boldly declared life through Jesus Christ. That out of the ruins of Gonaives will emerge a metropolitan hub of Christianity shining forth as a beacon in the Republic of Haiti for all to see. Truly they will go "from poverty to paradise."

Ollie Dixon

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